Mustang Math is a nonprofit organization of high school and college volunteers that are dedicated towards providing middle schoolers access to challenging, interesting, fun, and collaborative math competitions and resources! We are the organizers of the annual Mustang Math Tournament, run low-cost and high-quality mathematics tutoring and are also working on many new and exciting projects including a Youtube Channel, a competition management platform, private tutoring, and more! We reached almost 600 U.S. competitors in our MMT 2024 contests, and we're expecting 1000 more in our international tournament this upcoming August. We are excited to expand our team to continue our mission of spreading a love for mathematics amongst students.

Mustang Math began with a small team of dedicated volunteers in 2020, who wanted to spread their love for mathematics to the surrounding community. Since then, MM has hosted several successful tournaments and provided mathematical resources available worldwide.
Now, MM has a full team of volunteers worldwide, consisting of multiple dedicated teams overseeing several projects, all working towards the shared goal of promoting mathematics. Alongside our projects, MM has contributed to other mathematical initiatives, such as the ASDAN Math Tournament (AMT), by providing problems and proctors to coordinate testing.

As MM gears up for the upcoming year, we plan to host our flagship team-based Mustang Math Tournament [MMT] along with a proof based tournament and an individual tournament this fall. MMT is our focal point, and we plan to have twelve in-person locations in addition to an online tournament in the upcoming year. This is an international math tournament for the middle school level that features a variety of interesting rounds designed to not only test mathematical ability, but also promote collaboration and be enjoyable for the participants.
Mustang Math Classes focus on competition math and are split into 4 quarters: Algebra, Geometry, Combinatorics/Number Theory, and Problem Solving, with each term running for 8 weeks. Our upcoming Discrete term will focus on both lectures and problem solving, allowing for students to gain a strong understanding of the material.
Instructive sessions run for 90 minutes every week over Zoom. Each class will have 5-15 students and 2 instructors.
The total cost for the 8 sessions is $100, or all 32 sessions for $320. Financial aid is available upon request. As a nonprofit, we charge for our classes to improve our classes and tournaments. Furthermore, putting a price on our classes encourages students to stay committed.